Whether you are stepping through the doors of St. James’ for the first time or whether you’ve been part of the life of this community for many years, we are glad you are here! St. James’ is a place where we learn and pray together, ask questions, and seek to live more deeply into Jesus’ call to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Experience this season of anticipation and reflection with a service of scripture readings and seasonal music.
Read MoreCome join the Choir of St. James’ for Evensong
Read MoreOn Sunday, November 6, we remember those we have commended into eternal life this past year and complete our Pledge Ingathering.
Read MoreThe Vestry is happy to announce that we have voted unanimously to call the Reverend Dr. Gregory Kimura to be the next rector of St. James.
Read MoreJoin us for a live video of this service on Facebook.
The video will also be streamed below and posted on YouTube.
Prepared by Lisa Cerrina.
Performed by the St. James' Virtual Choir.
Click here for a link to join our Zoom meeting (requires password).
From traditional liturgy to contemplative services, learn about the ways we worship at St. James’.
Become a part of the life of St. James’ and serve our parish by participating in one of our ministries.
Join a dinner group, attend a retreat, or find out about other upcoming events around the parish.
Please see here for more information.
Children's Worship
Choral Eucharist
Centering Prayer
Eucharist with Healing
1325 Monterey Road
South Pasadena, CA 91030
On the corner of Monterey and Fremont