Jesus, Our Peace

July 21, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Michelle Baker-Wright

Politics, Sex, Religion…and John the Baptist

July 14, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Gregory Kimura

Lessons From Jesus' Ministry

July 7, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Gregory Kimura

Twilight and the Gospel of Life

June 30, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Gregory Kimura

Faith, Courage, and Holy Chutzpah

June 23, 2024
Sermon by:

Guest Preacher

The Counterintuitive Reign of God

June 16, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Michelle Baker-Wright

The Fall and the Sin of Sexism

June 9, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Gregory Kimura

The New Needs Friends

June 2, 2024
Sermon by:

The Rev. Dr. Michelle Baker-Wright